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The Climate Realists of Norway

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Author: Morten Jødal †, Chairman

Morten Jødal has written the book Miljømytene, ‘the Environmental Myths’, and Klimarealistene published it in 2017

The member organization “Klimarealistene” was started in 2009, and in the summer of 2021 it has 1 150 paying members. The membership fee is the economic basis for all our activities. We have a main body of members in Oslo, as well as local units in many other Norwegian cities.

The main objective of Klimarealistene; the Climate Realists of Norway, is like that of our sister organizations all over the world: We participate in the public debate to declare that there is no climate emergency, and neither will it threaten us in future. This statement has deep consequences for the current climate politics, as it implies that there is no need for any drastic actions to influence the climate. We are convinced that such an influence is limited, since climate first of all is controlled by nature.

Our means to influence the public and the politicians are publication on our own website (, participation in the public debate in newspapers and other media, the regular newsletter ‘Climate news’, participation in social media, publication of books and booklets, as well as arranging public seminars, conferences and meetings.

The Climate Realists of Norway are advised by a scientific council, consisting of 30 members including several from other countries, most of whom have got a PhD in an area relevant to the scientific discussion. This group of scientists deliver the empirical facts and the scientific conclusions being the basis of our participation in the public debate.

The term ‘Climate Realist’ has, luckily, several connotations in Norway. In daily speech, it is understood as being realistic about climate, as opposed to the doom and gloom in the media. But it also alludes to the Norwegian term ‘realist’ being one who has studied subjects contained in the term ‘real-fag’ which in English means the sciences of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, and in the recent years computer science. This means that there is a connotation in the term that the Climate Realists have a scientific basis for their realistic view on climate.

Submitted 2021-05-24. Accepted 2021-07-21. Reviewed by G. Hasnes.



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