The paper edition of the first issue of Science of Climate Change arrived from the printer just before Christmas, and will as soon as possible be mailed out to those who have ordered it. Expect a delay as the work is done by volunteers.
Støtt ved en Donasjon eller Medlemskap. Alternativt Vipps til 921 44 050 eller overfør til konto 1208.75.52355 – Din hjelp nytter!
The paper edition of the first issue of Science of Climate Change arrived from the printer just before Christmas, and will as soon as possible be mailed out to those who have ordered it. Expect a delay as the work is done by volunteers.
Støtt ved en Donasjon eller Medlemskap. Alternativt Vipps til 921 44 050 eller overfør til konto 1208.75.52355 – Din hjelp nytter!