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Picture of Einar R. Bordewich

Present uplift in Norway due to glacier unloading since the ‘Little Ice Age’

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  • Willy Fjeldskaar, Tectonor AS, Stavanger, Norway
  • Aleksey Amantov, VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Russia

Willy Fjeldskaar and Aleksey Antonov are well known for their research and many outstanding publications within the topics of post-glacial isostatic crustal rebound.

In this paper, the authors present convincing results of crustal rebounds from the mountain glaciers in Norway that peaked during the ‘Little Ice Age’. The paper gives new insight into the isostatic and elastic impacts by “small” glaciers and even quantitative results of the crustal rebound after the decay of such glaciers. Furthermore, the authors managed to separate these “young” Holocene effects from the rebound of the Pleistocene glaciation.

Link to article: Present uplift in Norway due to glacier unloading since the ‘Little Ice Age’



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