Climate the Movie – Download page

In agreement with the producer Tom Nelson we here present a download page of the full movie and all the short clips that have been made available. As soon as we get new clips we will present them here and make them public for download,
To just view the movie go here
This is a download page! If you just want to watch the movie go here:
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Download of the movie:
To download a movie, you click on the link and the movie opens in the window. Then stop the video if it plays, click the tree dots in lower right corner and choose download.
- Climate the Movie – Full video download 2GB
- Climate the Movie – Introduction
- William Happer: What have you been smoking?
- William Happer: It’s a scam, it’s a hoax
- Willie Soon: It’s the sun 100%, CO2 0%
- Ross Mckitrick: How dare you to speak up against the narrative
- Patrick Moore: Climate Crisis is a lie
- Richard Lindsen: A cult, completely divorced from science
- John Clauser: No connection between CO2 and Climate Change it’s all a crock of crap.
- Embarrassing warming at the start of the 20th century
- Patrick Moore: We are in an ice age
- Stephen Davies: Hostility in a pub
- The hypocrisy of Africa suffering from the green shift
- Roy Spence: We depend on funding for climate research
- Climate the Movie ending
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