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Picture of Einar R. Bordewich


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  • Ole Humlum

Please find below a link that will take you to a monthly newsletter (pdf; ca. 7 MB) with global meteorological information updated to July 2022:

If this does not work, please copy the above link directly into your browser. Alternatively, you can use the July 2022 ‘update’ link on

All temperatures in this newsletter are shown in degrees Celsius.

All previous monthly issues of this newsletter (since March 2009), diagrams and additional material are available for download on  Here you will also find links to the original data used to prepare the various diagrams.

Ole Humlum

Arctic Historical Evaluation and Research Organisation

Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway.



Støtt Fakta360 i kampen mot klimahysteriet!

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Vipps til 921 44 050 eller overfør direkte til 1208.75.52355


Støtt Fakta360 i kampen mot klimahysteriet!

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Vipps til 921 44 050 eller overfør direkte til 1208.75.52355


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